THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COLLOQUIUM took place between October 12 and 19, under the theme “A new global order in human rights? Actors, challenges and opportunities”. The event was attended by 61 activists from 44 countries. Compared to the 12 previous editions, the 2013 Colloquium featured some bold innovations in its methodology and format, namely a day of talks on multipolarity in TEDx format, the staging of an Extraordinary International Commission on Human Rights, greater use of technology and the internet (e.g.: electronic voting in real time surveys) and new group activities, such as a fish bowl discussion and a Thinking Hats exercise. A different topic was featured on each day of the Colloquium: (i) TEDx organizes talks on multipolarity in São Paulo; (ii) Inconsistencies and contradictions in human rights; (iii) The complex relationship between business and human rights; (iv) New order and international systems; (v) 13th Colloquium discusses funding for NGOs; and (vi) To what extent are NGOs and street movements associated?
From 2001 to 2013, more than 1,400 people have participated in the Colloquium, among them activists, observers and volunteers from 74 countries, primarily from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
STARTING IN 2014 the Colloquium will be held every two years. In the years when the event is not held, Conectas will stage regional strategic meetings with human rights activists from partner organizations from the Global South. The meetings will serve to set a common agenda for action.