THE UN FORUM on Business and Human Rights is a place where civil society can participate, together with companies and other relevant actors, in the debate on the implementation and dissemination of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Guiding Principles). The participation of civil society in these debates fosters discussion on violations committed by companies, on the accountability mechanisms of these companies and on the role of civil society in ensuring that the human rights of the victims are protected.
The 2nd UN Forum on Business and Human Rights was staged in December 2013, with the participation of Conectas. The first panel of the Forum was devoted to the debate on the Guiding Principles and their application on the regional level. The Forum also discussed the review of the first two years of the Working Group on Business and Human Rights and the analyses of its reports, which were released shortly before the Forum. The release of this material raised the knowledge of civil society on the activities of the Working Group, fostering a more critical debate on the items presented. At the time, Conectas was also a panelist in the debate on the contrasts between the practices of different financial institutions from the public sector on matters such as transparency and indigenous peoples, among others. Read more here and here.